Volume 04

The Grounded Theory Bookshelf

By Vivian B. Martin, Ph.D. Bookshelf will provide critical reviews and perspectives on books on theory and methodology of interest to grounded theory. This issue includes a review of Heaton’s Reworking Qualitative Data, of special interest for some of its references to grounded theory as a secondary analysis tool; and Goulding’s Grounded Theory: A practical guide for management, business, and market researchers, a book that attempts to explicate the method and presents a grounded theory study that falls a little short of the mark of a fully elaborated theory. Reworking...

Remodeling Grounded Theory

By Barney G. Glaser Ph.D., Hon. Ph.D. with the assistance of Judith Holton Abstract This paper outlines my concerns with Qualitative Data Analysis’ (QDA) numerous remodelings of Grounded Theory (GT) and the subsequent eroding impact. I cite several examples of the erosion and summarize essential elements of classic GT methodology. It is hoped that the article will clarify my concerns with the continuing enthusiasm but misunderstood embrace of GT by QDA methodologists and serve as a preliminary guide to novice researchers who wish to explore the fundamental principles of...

Pluralistic dialoguing: A theory of interdisciplinary teamworking

By Antoinette McCallin, Ph.D., M.A. (hons), B.A., RGON Abstract The aim of this emerging grounded theory study was to discover the main concerns of health professionals working in interdisciplinary teams, and to explain the processes team members used to continually resolve practice problems. Data collected from forty-four participants from seven disciplines in two teaching hospitals in New Zealand, included eighty hours each of interviewing and participant observation. In this paper the theory of pluralistic dialoguing is presented. It is argued that interdisciplinary...

Grounded action: Achieving optimal and sustainable change

By Odis E. Simmons, Ph.D. & Toni A. Gregory, Ed. D. Abstract Grounded action is the application and extension of grounded theory for the purpose of designing and implementing practical actions such as interventions, program designs, action models, social and organizational policies, and change initiatives. Grounded action is grounded theory with an added action component in which actions are systematically derived from a systematically derived explanatory grounded theory. Actions are grounded in the grounded theory in the same way that grounded theories are grounded...

A Grounded Theory of Moral Reckoning in Nursing

By Alvita K. Nathaniel, DSN, APRN, BC Abstract Moral distress is a pervasive problem in nursing, contributing to nurses’ emotional and physical health problems, loss of nurses’ ethical integrity, dissatisfaction with the work of nursing, and loss of nurses from the workforce. The purpose of this research was twofold: 1) to further elucidate the experiences and consequences of professional nurses’ moral distress and 2) to formulate a logical, systematic, and explanatory theory of moral distress and its consequences. METHOD: This Glaserian grounded theory study utilized...


By Maria de Hoyos Guajardo, Ph.D. Candidate, M.Sc., B.Eng. ABSTRACT The theory that is presented below aims to conceptualise how a group of undergraduate students tackle non-routine mathematical problems during a problem-solving course. The aim of the course is to allow students to experience mathematics as a creative process and to reflect on their own experience. During the course, students are required to produce a written ‘rubric’ of their work, i.e., to document their thoughts as they occur as well as their emotions during the process. These ‘rubrics’ were used as...