Volume 04

Managing Collaborative Synergy in the Crane Industry

By Keith Ng Y. N. (Ng, K.) Ph.D. Abstract This study explores the key factors vital to Principal-Distributor Collaboration (PDC) in the context of the crane industry in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. It explains the social processes that Principals use to address differing interests throughout the course of the PDC. Applying Glaser’s (1978, 1992, 1998, 2001) emergent approach to grounded theory, 150 interviews were conducted with 50 participants from these countries. The main professional concern of participants throughout the course of the PDC was the need to achieve...

The Grounded Theory Bookshelf

Dr. Alvita Nathaniel, DSN, APRN, BC, West Virginia University The Bookshelf provides critical reviews and perspectives on books on theory and methodology of interest to grounded theory. In this issue, Dr. Alvita Nathaniel offers a review of Barney Glaser’s new book. The Grounded Theory Perspective III: Theoretical Coding, Barney G. Glaser (Sociology Press, 2005).  Not intended for a beginner, this book further defi nes, describes, and explicates the classic grounded theory (GT) method. Perspective III lays out various facets of theoretical coding as Glaser meticulously...

The Impact of Symbolic Interaction on Grounded Theory

By Barney G. Glaser, Ph.D., Hon. Ph.D. (Chapter 10, The Grounded Theory Perspective III: Theoretical Coding, Sociology Press, 2005) As I stated in the introduction to chapter 9, GT is a general inductive method possessed by no discipline or theoretical perspective or data type. Yet the takeover of GT by Symbolic Interaction (SI) and all the departments and institutes that SI informs and resides in is massive and thereby replete with the remodeling of GT. The literature on qualitative methodology is massive and replete with the assertion that SI is the foundation...

Beyond the Physical Realm: A proposed theory regarding a consumer’s pl...

By Mark Rosenbaum, Ph.D. Abstract Marketers view place as a marketing mix tool that denotes activities associated with the distribution of products and services. Thus, the discipline believes that places are alienated from consumers’ lives and experiences. This article looks at the place concept anew and offers an original theory of consumers’ experience in place. Introduction The concept of place is well engrained in the marketing discipline as a basic marketing mix tool that refers to distributional and to organizational activities associated with making products and...

Visualising Deteriorating Conditions

By Tom Andrews, RN, B.Sc. (Hons), M.Sc., Ph.D. & Heather Waterman, RN, B.Sc. (Hons), Ph.D. Abstract The research aims were to investigate the difficulties ward staff experienced in detecting deterioration and how these were resolved. The emphasis within the literature tends to be on identifying premonitory signs that may be useful in predicting deterioration. Changes in respiratory rate is the most consistent of these (Fieselmann et al. 1993; Sax and Charlson 1987; Schein et al. 1990; Smith and Wood 1998) but in common with other signs, it lacks sensitivity and...

Grounded Theory and Heterodox Economics

By Frederic S. Lee, Ph.D. Abstract The dominant theory in the discipline of economics, known as neoclassical economics, is being challenged by an upstart, known as heterodox economics. The challengers face many obstacles, the most significant of which is the actual creation of an alternative economic theory. However heterodox economists have not settled on what the methodology of theory creation should be. The aim of this paper is to advocate that the method of grounded theory is the best set of guidelines for theory creation. In addition, I shall argue that the grounded...