The Grounded Theory Review is an interdisciplinary, online academic journal for the advancement of classic grounded theory and scholarship. The Grounded Theory Review adheres to the highest standards of peer review and engages established and emerging scholars from anywhere in the world. While centered in social sciences and the health disciplines, the Grounded Theory Review welcomes contributions from any academic field. Grounded Theory generation is a methodological approach in rapid growth, and we are interested in classic grounded theories and methodological perspectives that are based on grounded theory principles as first outlined by Glaser and Strauss in The Discovery of Grounded Theory (1967), and later further explicated and developed by Barney G. Glaser.
The journal is a forum for scholars who seek to advance the comprehension, scholarship, and application of theorizing grounded in reliable and relevant data. The Grounded Theory Review is published two times a year at Sociology Press. The Review supports a greater global exchange of knowledge and is committed to worldwide dissemination and advancement of classic grounded theory methodology, independent of access to scholarly funding or library facilities. Thus, the journal does not charge authors for submissions or readers or their institutions for access.
Theoretical Sensitivity, Doing Grounded Theory, other original works on the classic grounded theory method, and examples of grounded theory research can be purchased at Sociology Press.