Book Review: Ditching Description: From ...

Susan Stillman, Director of Ed for Six Seconds Barney G. Glaser (2013). Getting Out of the Data: Grounded Theory Conceptualization, Mill Valley: Sociology Press Overview In the first chapter of this book, Glaser explains his purpose to help the researcher use the constant comparative method to discover and name patterns in the data, relate them to each other, generate a “conceptual hypothesis” (p. 2), and allow a multivariate substantive theory to emerge around a core variable. The first sentence demonstrates his intent to help the reader in “getting out of the data” into...

Book Review: Stop, Write!

Hans Thulesius, University of Lund Stop, Write: Writing Grounded Theory. Barney G. Glaser (2013). Mill Valley: Sociology Press This book on writing grounded theory is intended for the empirical GT researcher who wants to pursue his/her research until publication. It is the first book devoted entirely to such a crucial issue as writing grounded theory. Thus, Stop, Write: Writing Grounded Theory, is a practical book that fills a gap in GT methodology. In the first chapter of the book, Dr. Glaser says, “Stop unending conceptualization, unending data coverage, and unending...

About The Authors

Daniel M. Berry got his PhD in Computer Science from Brown University in 1974. He was in the Computer Science Department at the University of California, Los Angeles, USA from 1972 until 1987. He was in the Computer Science Faculty at the Technion, Israel from 1987 until 1999. From 1990 until 1994, he was half of each year at the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, USA, where he helped build CMU’s Master of Software Engineering program. In 1999, Berry moved to what is now the Cheriton School of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo,...

About the authors

Barney G. Glaser is the cofounder of grounded theory (1967). He received his PhD from Columbia University in 1961. He then went to University of California San Francisco, where he joined Anselm Strauss in doing the dying in hospitals study and in teaching PhD and DNS students methods and analysis. He published over 20 articles on this research and the dying research. Since then, Glaser has written 14 more books using and about grounded theory, and countless articles. In 1998 he received an honorary doctorate from Stockholm University. His latest book, which deals with the...

Seeding Event: Creating and Developing S...

Gaëtan Mourmant, IESEG School of Management Abstract This paper addresses the question of initiating, fostering and growing a vibrant economy by developing Spaces of Entrepreneurial Freedom (SoEF). Establishing and developing the SoEF is explained by a seeding event which is the core category of this grounded theory. In short, a seeding event leads to the patching of a potential, structural “hole”, which may prove valuable to an entrepreneurial network. Seeding events are started by an initiator who will recognize a network opportunity and exploit it. After event...