Daniel M. Berry got his PhD in Computer Science from Brown University in 1974. He was in the Computer Science Department at the University of California, Los Angeles, USA from 1972 until 1987. He was in the Computer Science Faculty at the Technion, Israel from 1987 until 1999. From 1990 until 1994, he was half of each year at the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, USA, where he helped build CMU’s Master of Software Engineering program. In 1999, Berry moved to what is now the Cheriton School of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo, Canada. Between 2008 and 2013, Berry held an Industrial Research Chair in Requirements Engineering sponsored by Scotia Bank and the National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Berry’s current research interests are software engineering in general, and requirements engineering and electronic publishing in the specific. Email: dberry@uwaterloo.ca
Barney G. Glaser is the cofounder of grounded theory (1967). He received his PhD from Columbia University in 1961. He then went to University of California San Francisco, where he joined Anselm Strauss in doing the dying in hospitals study and in teaching PhD and DNS students methods and analysis. He published over 20 articles on this research and the dying research. Since then, Glaser has written 14 more books using and about grounded theory, and countless articles. In 1998 he received an honorary doctorate from Stockholm University. His latest book, which deals with the no preconceptions dictum in grounded theory, will soon be published. Email: bglaser@speakeasy.net
Michael W. Godfrey is an associate professor in the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo. After finishing his PhD at the University of Toronto, he spent two years at Cornell University before joining the University of Waterloo in 1998. Between 2000 and 2005, he held an Industrial Research Chair in telecommunications software engineering sponsored by Nortel Networks and the National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada. His research interests span many areas of software engineering including software evolution, reverse engineering, program comprehension, mining software repositories, and software clone detection and analysis. He contributed a chapter titled “Copy-Paste as a Principled Engineering Tool” to the 2010 O’Reilly book Making Software: What Really Works and Why We Believe It. Email: migod@uwaterloo.ca
Colin Griffiths is a lecturer [assistant professor] in the School of Nursing and Midwifery in Trinity College Dublin. Colin has more than 25 years experience working with people with profound and complex disabilities in Ireland. Since 2002 Colin has taught in the School of Nursing and Midwifery in Trinity College Dublin at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. His research interests include understanding the communications of people who do not use language in a conventional manner, implementing person centredness in intellectual disability services and how to achieve inclusion for those at the margins of society.
Email: cgriffi@tcd.ie
Glen Gatin, Ed.D, is a scholar practitioner living Manitoba, Canada. He received his doctoral degree from Fielding Graduate University where he studied under Dr. Odis Simmons. His doctoral specialization was in Media Studies in Education and he is currently teaching and researching in the digital humanities. Glen is currently using classic grounded theory method to investigate the emerging field of online, personal learning environments.
Email: ggatin@ggatin.com
Ric Holt is a professor at the University of Waterloo. He has a PhD from Cornell University. His research in computer science has included foundational work on deadlock, development of a number of compilers and compilation techniques, development of one of the first UNIX clones, and authoring a dozen books on programming and operating systems. He is a designer of the Turing programming language. His work includes reverse engineering of legacy systems such as Linux, Mozilla (Netscape) and Apache. His current research is largely in the area of mining software repositories. Email: holt@uwaterloo.ca
Cory J. Kapser earned his PhD in Computer Science at the University of Waterloo in 2009. Following that he has been a software developer and team lead at high tech oil and gas service companies, with a particular focus on secure and reliable communications as well as enhanced integration of software processes and policies with source code control and deployment systems. He is currently a software developer at Mobile Data Technologies and a founding member and developer of a Web-and-mobile-enabled customer-experience-improvement system. His current research interests include processes and tools that reduce unintended changes in source code and increase software developer confidence and productivity. Email: cjkapser@coryk.afraid.org
Isabel Ramos got her doctorate in Information Technologies and Systems, specializing in Information Systems Engineering and Management, from University of Minho (UM), Portugal in 2001. She got her aggregation degree in Information Systems and Technologies from UM in 2012. She is now an Assistant Professor with Aggregation in the Information Systems Department of UM. She spent 4 months of her 2010 sabbatical at Carnegie Mellon University, researching knowledge management and crowd sourcing. She coordinates the research group “Information Systems and Technologies in Organizations” of the Centre Algoritmi and advises several PhD and Master’s dissertations in the area of Knowledge Management and Information Systems for Innovation. She is the principal researcher in several projects in partnership with Portuguese companies and governmental agencies. She is co-author and co-editor of five books and more than five dozen scientific and technical papers in peer-reviewed journals. Email: iramos@dsi.uminho.pt
Susan Stillman, Ed.D, is Six Seconds, the Emotional Intelligence Network, Director of Education, Global Office. Through strategic planning, professional development, and research assistance, Susan consults with scholars and practitioners on integrating SEL into their schools and universities. On the Fielding Graduate University Faculty as an adjunct faculty member in grounded theory, and at Northcentral University, she mentors students and chairs doctoral committees in grounded theory, social emotional learning, and educational leadership. She has facilitated grounded theory student groups online and welcomes interest in classic grounded theory. For the second, year, Susan is a Fielding Graduate University Fellow, institute for Social Innovation.
Email: sstillman@fielding.edu
Hans Thulesius works part time as a family physician and part time as associate professor of family medicine at Lund University, Sweden. His research and mentoring is divided between grounded theory and traditional medical epidemiological and experimental. He also teaches communication skills to last year medical students and do consultancy work in health care organizations using grounded theory. He first met Dr. Glaser in 2000 and have since been teaching and mentoring grounded theory and translated Doing grounded theory – Issues and discussions (1998), into Swedish in 2010. He is Swedish national editor of the Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care since several years. Email: hansthulesius@gmail.com