Book Review: Remodeling GT once again

Alvita Nathaniel, West Virginia University Barry Gibson and Jan Hartman (2014): Rediscovering Grounded Theory London: Sage In their book entitled Rediscovering Grounded Theory, Barry Gibson and Jan Hartman (2014) aim to present grounded theory in a new way with the intention of “forward looking preservation” (p. 237). They claim that Rediscovery is an outcome of many conversations in a London pub over the last eight years. The authors tackle both method and methodology as they meticulously describe the context of The Discovery of Grounded Theory (Glaser & Strauss,...

About the Authors

Ben Binsardi is a reader in the Business and Management department at Glyndwr University. He completed his undergraduate and postgraduate studies at Texas Tech and Wichita State Universities. He then obtained a PhD from Loughborough, studying econometrics and undertook a Research Fellowship at the University of Oxford. Ben has published several textbooks and research journals in the areas of research methodology, marketing and finance. He is chairing a track at the Academy of Marketing Conference in July 2014. Ben teaches research methodology in conjunction with Jan...


Astrid Gynnild, University of Stavanger Ideas are precious. They may come to mind when you least expect to them to, and many times before you are consciously aware of them. The grounded theory solution to capturing valuable ideas from preconscious thought is writing memos. In this issue of the Grounded Theory Review, we are delighted to publish the first chapter of Barney G. Glaser’s coming book on memoing, which truly opens up new perspectives on the potentially complex but productive process of collecting ideas that is such an important part of doing grounded theory. A...

Introduction: Free Style Memoing

Barney G. Glaser, PhD, Hon. PhD This neglect is partly my fault to be corrected in this book, which will deal with the vital aspect of memoing.  Memos are a very important GT procedure that is fundamental to the GT generation analysis of grounded theory.   This book emphasizes the importance of memos from the very start of the GT research to the working paper. It highlights and focuses on memoing in the hopes of aiding researchers, especially novice beginning researchers, with the management of the plethora of ideas that emerge with no loss thereof as GT research...

A Partial Application of Classic Grounde...

Ólavur Christiansen, The University of Faroe Islands and The Economic Council of the Government of Faroe Islands Helen Scott, Grounded Theory Online Svend Erik Sørensen, self-employed international consultant (Ascap Aps) Abstract This paper describes a partial application of the classic grounded method in a research project tasked to surface an understanding of poverty, and offer policy recommendations for change, to the Government of Greenland.  The aim of analysis was to find the core category and related categories though analysis stopped short of conceptual...