About the Authors

Sajeel Ahmed is a researcher beginning his career at the University of Bedfordshire Business School. His PhD research is on emoji and their influence on communication on Facebook. He holds a BA (Hons) in Business Studies from Cardiff Metropolitan University, an MBA (International Business) from the University of Gloucestershire, as well as an MSc in Marketing and Business Management from the University of Bedfordshire. He has been a visiting lecturer in e-business-related units and supervises undergraduate dissertations. His areas of interest are computer-mediated...

Editorial: New Perspectives on Conceptua...

Astrid Gynnild, University of Bergen What does it mean to learn grounded theory? I mean, really learn it? The question emerged while re-reading and reflecting on the final versions of the six very different, and yet interrelated, articles in this June issue of the Grounded Theory Review. Many a novice grounded theorist has experienced that, in order to truly understand grounded theory, he or she has to start doing it; grounded theory is a learning-by-doing method that constantly produces new theories firmly grounded in data. But the learning process may, in itself, be...

The Grounded Theory Perspective: Its Ori...

By Barney G. Glaser PhD, Hon PhD The book is about the origins and growth of grounded theory (GT) as developed and written by Barney G. Glaser.  It is not written to compete or compare with other QDA methods.  The competition with other perspectives is up to the reader to write up, if he so desires.  My goal in this paper is to write up the GT perspective clearly and historically to date so it can be used by others in research and the rhetorical wrestle between different perspectives.  As GT spreads throughout the world a clear view of the GT perspective is constantly...

Mastering Everyday Life in Ordinary Hous...

Rosita Brolin, David Brunt, Mikael Rask, Susanne Syrén, Anna Sandgren Linnaeus University, Sweden Abstract The aim of this study was to develop a classic grounded theory about people who have psychiatric disabilities and live in ordinary housing with housing support. Interviews and observations during the interviews were analyzed, and secondary analyses of data from previous studies were performed. The impossible mission in everyday life emerged as the main concern and mastering everyday life as the pattern of behavior through which they deal with this concern. Mastering...

Collective Inclusioning: A Grounded Theo...

Michal Lysek, Halmstad University, Sweden Abstract This paper is a grounded theory study of how leaders (e.g., entrepreneurs, managers, etc.) engage people in challenging undertakings (e.g., innovation) that require everyone’s commitment to such a degree that they would have to go beyond what could be reasonably expected in order to succeed. Company leaders sometimes wonder why their employees no longer show the same responsibility towards their work, and why they are more concerned with internal politics than solving customer problems. It is because company leaders no...