Sajeel Ahmed is a researcher beginning his career at the University of Bedfordshire Business School. His PhD research is on emoji and their influence on communication on Facebook. He holds a BA (Hons) in Business Studies from Cardiff Metropolitan University, an MBA (International Business) from the University of Gloucestershire, as well as an MSc in Marketing and Business Management from the University of Bedfordshire. He has been a visiting lecturer in e-business-related units and supervises undergraduate dissertations. His areas of interest are computer-mediated communication, knowledge management, virtual communities, and gamification in higher education and other contexts. Email:
Judith Applegarth is a registered nurse and midwife with extensive clinical and management experience in a range of healthcare disciplines including: emergency department, critical care, and peri-operative services. She holds positions as research assistant and adjunct research fellow at CQ University as well as a management role with the Monash IVF Group. Judith has completed a PhD and her research program involved a qualitative, grounded theory approach. She has presented at national and international conferences and has won several international awards for her work. Her areas of research interest include qualitative research and grounded theory.
Berit Støre Brinchmann, RN, MSc, Ph.D. is a professor of nursing at Nord University in Norway. She is also a senior researcher at the Nordland Hospital Trust and an Adjunct Professor at the Arctic University of Norway (Campus Harstad). Her research interests include empirical ethics and the family perspective. Email:
Dr. Ferlis bin Bullare @ Bahari is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology and Education, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, UMS, and is the research supervisor for Alan Kim-Lok Oh. Email:
Trudy Dwyer, PhD, Associate Professor, is a nursing research academic at CQ University in Australia. She has extensive experience in teaching and learning with undergraduate and post-graduate research higher degree students. Her research interests include recognition and responding to the deteriorating patient, patient safety and quality, nurse-led models of care, simulation and knowledge translation. She has authored numerous books, book chapters, and peer-reviewed journal articles, and is a principal author of five books in the Student Survival Guide series published by Pearson Education; one has sold over 72,000 copies.
Dr. Steve Elers, is a lecturer* at the School of Communication, Journalism and Marketing, Massey Business School, Massey University, New Zealand. In his doctoral research, he examined Māori perspectives of public information advertisements as part of wider social marketing initiatives (e.g., anti-drug driving television advertisement targeted at Māori fathers). Email:
* Lecturer, New Zealand, is equivalent to Assistant Professor in the United States.
Tracy Flenady is a registered nurse, specialising in emergency nursing; she also maintains strong academic links and works predominantly with nursing students. Tracy is the project manager of a grant awarded to improve new nurses’ awareness of patient safety issues through the use of simulation training, and is working towards achieving a PhD. Tracy has a particular interest in sociology, fuelled by her perpetual pursuit to understand human behaviour. Email
Barney G. Glaser is the cofounder of grounded theory (1967). He received his PhD from Columbia University in 1961. He then went to University of California San Francisco, where he joined Anselm Strauss in doing the dying in hospitals study and in teaching PhD and DNS students methods and analysis. He published over 20 articles on this research and the dying research. Since then, Glaser has written 14 more books using and about grounded theory and countless articles. In 1998 he received an honorary doctorate from Stockholm University. Email:
Dr. Markus Haag is Senior Lecturer in Business Systems at the University of Bedfordshire Business School. He has been teaching and researching various subjects related to information systems and business systems, e.g. e-business and database systems, as well as business communication and general management. His research is at the intersection of knowledge management, personal values, and e-learning, but also extends into social media and communication. He also worked on action research projects in relation to virtual knowledge communities and e-learning environments. He is a course co-ordinator for the MSc Information Systems Management and BA (Hons) Business Administration.
Dr. Puteri Hayati is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology and Education, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, UMS, and is the research supervisor for Alan Kim-Lok Oh. Email:
Dr. James W. Jones is the Construction Management Program Director and an Associate Professor of Construction Management at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana. He attended the Spring 2007 Mill Valley Grounded Theory Seminar. Email:
Cathrine Moe, RN, MSc. is a Ph.D student at Nord University in Norway. She is a nurse and has MSc in clinical nursing. Her areas of research include health services, ageing, rehabilitation and mental health. Email:
Alan Kim-Lok Oh is a counseling psychologist, registered and licensed counselor, and a family therapist. Email:
Damian Stoupe is a final year PhD Candidate at the Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol developing a grounded theory of workplace behaviour. His main research focus is on the impact of workplace behaviour on relationships between individuals and teams with a special emphasis on the impact of conflict and mobbing. Damian is also a professional counsellor and behavioural consultant, working almost exclusively in the field of relationship conflict at work, between neighbours and in domestic relationships. He has published several articles on workplace bullying, mimetic desire and systems thinking, and presented workshops at national conferences in the UK. Email:
Dr. Peter Voo is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology and Education, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, UMS, and is the research supervisor for Alan Kim-Lok Oh. Email: