Volume 9, Issue no. 3, December 2010 ←
Editorial Judith A. Holton, Ph.D.
Organizational Careers: A forward theory Barney G. Glaser, Ph.D., Hon.Ph.D.
Navigating the process of ethical approval: A methodological note Eileen Carey, RNID, BSc. (hons), MSc.
Institutional Review Boards: Perspectives from the United States Alvita Nathaniel, Ph.D., FNP-BC, FAANP
International Perspectives of Ethical Approval: The New Zealand scene Antoinette M. McCallin, RN, Ph.D.
A Swedish Perspective on Research Ethics Review Hans Thulesius, M.D., G.P.,Ph.D.
Book Review: Kaplan, S. (2008).Children in Genocide: Extreme traumatization and affect regulation, London: International Psychoanalysis Library Carol Roderick, M.Ed., Ph.D.
Book Review: Theory buried under heavy description. Kaplan, S. (2008). Children in Genocide: extreme traumatization and affect regulation, London: International Psychoanalysis Library Vivian B. Martin Ph.D.
Comments on the reviews of Kaplan, S. (2008). Children in genocide: Extreme traumatization and affect regulation. London: International Psychoanalytical Association Suzanne Kaplan, Ph.D.