Volume 9, Issue no. 2, June 2010 ←
Editorial Judith A. Holton, Ph.D.
The Future of Grounded TheoryBarney G. Glaser, Ph.D., Hon. Ph.D.
Is That a Real Theory or Did You Just Make It Up? Teaching Classic Grounded Theory Odis E. Simmons, Ph.D
Theories in Progress Series: Perpetual Identity Constructing Alison Clancy, RGN, M.Sc., HDNS (Diabetes), PGrad Dip(Teaching and Learning), Ph.D.Candidate
Book Review: Glaserian grounded theory in nursing research: Trusting emergence (Artinian, B.M., Giske, T., & Cone, P.H.) Antoinette M. McCallin, RN, Ph.D.