What is ‘Theory’ in Grounded Theory?

Kara L. Vander Linden, Institute for Research and Theory Methodologies Abstract Theory is often discussed in relation to research. However, despite its frequent reference, there is a lack of consensus on what theory is. This article briefly discusses some views of theory within sociology and the lack of consensus over what constitutes theory. This lack of consensus makes it important that grounded theorists not only explain what is meant by a theory being grounded in data but also what is meant by theory in grounded theory. Keywords: theory, grounded theory, definitions,...

Becoming Independent: The Life-Changing ...

Y. Chen, Nanjing Normal University Y. Feng, China University of Political Science and Law Y. Wang, Fujian Medical University F. Fei, Grounded Theory Institute Abstract The popularisation of Glaser’s grounded theory (GT) methodology in China over the past two decades or so has seen some faithful use of classic (Glaserian) GT in several areas (i.e. psychology, culture of rule of law, and nursing) amid the overall misuse and abuse of the methodology.   And arising from these endeavours are some life-changing experiences of GT researchers leading towards their academic...

Coding in Classic Grounded Theory: IR...

Barry Chametzky, USA Abstract Without a doubt, many graduate students—especially those who are do not have a mentor skilled in the classic grounded theory design—are concerned about doing studies or dissertations using the classic grounded theory design for fear of doing it incorrectly.  While there is extant literature in the field of classic grounded theory, a clear and simple how-to does not exist.  The purpose of this paper is to give novice researchers interested in the classic grounded theory design a foothold in how to do one aspect of classic grounded theory...

When and How to Use Extant Literature in...

Alvita K. Nathaniel, PhD, APRN, BC, FAANP Professor Emerita, West Virginia University Abstract Glaser and Strauss (1967) sprinkled suggestions about the use of the literature throughout their seminal work as did Glaser in subsequent years. They, however, did not lay out a clear and structured overview of how to use the literature. The aim of this paper is to weave together the recommendations from classic grounded theory originators and to describe how, why, and when to review the literature and which literature to review. The paper includes a section debunking the no...

Transcending Inequality: A Classic Groun...

Peter C. Sun, University of Washington Abstract The purpose of this research is to develop a classic grounded theory of the main concern of Filipino factory workers in Taiwan and the latent pattern of behavior that accounts for its continual resolution. Nine participants were interviewed and the data were analyzed using the constant comparative method of analysis. The theory that emerged from this study was transcending inequality, which explains how individuals resolve inequality via three overlapping patterns of behavior: coping, bonding, and serving. These behaviors...

Theory of Flowing: Going with the Flow o...

Alan Kim-Lok Oh, MCounsPsy, KB, PA Abstract This article outlines the theory of flowing. Flowing is an intervention strategy that ordinary people implement in order to go with the flow of the ups-and-downs of recovering from an ordeal. It ensures that they continue to progress in recovering from their ordeal. Ordinary people experience ups-and-downs when they are recovering from their ordeal in the following domains: functioning, symptoms, energy, support, connection and progress in recovery. These ups-and-downs lead the person to perpetually struggle with uncertainty and...

Getting On-The-Same-Page

Ali J. M. Sumner, Cert Grad Mngt, MBL, PhD Abstract Work teams are intrinsic to how 21st century organizations operate. For several decades, business research has therefore focused on work team performance. De Bono thinking tools have also been used extensively by work teams, for several decades. However, there is a paucity of research on the correct use of de Bono thinking tools in business organizations. The getting on-the-same-page classic grounded theory is therefore a new theory explaining what happens when work teams utilize these tools. The research problem was the...

The Behavioural Motivations of Police Of...

Daniel P. Ash, University of Gloucestershire Abstract This paper explores domestic abuse police work by considering the behavioural motivations of officers. It is underpinned by a study using classic grounded theory to examine how officers behave when carrying out police incident work in England. This study identifies that the motivating driver of officers engaged in domestic abuse incident work viz. their main concern, is the continual management of threats to their social identity. Officers seek to understand whether a particular incident’s circumstances provide them...