De-shaming for believability: A Grounded...

Toke S. Barfod, MD PhD [1] Abstract To be “adherent” to a medication means to take the medicine as agreed upon. Poor adherence is the main barrier to the effectiveness of HIV medication. Communication between patient and physicians is a major factor in adherence. We found that this communication is very often awkward and superficial, if not completely lacking. According to the proposed theory, it is a core determinant of adherence communication whether or not physicians use a “de-shaming” communication strategy. When physicians do not, they receive answers with low...

Surviving Situational Suffering: A class...

Barry Chametzky Abstract Administrators at post-secondary institutions in the United States hire contingent faculty members to teach a great many classes.  It is therefore valuable to understand what the issues are for these on-demand, non-tenured faculty members.  The theory of surviving situational suffering explains how part-time adjunct educators in the United States resolve their main concern—maintaining employment—within a context of reduced appreciation, underutilization, and ingratitude.  Just as with various historical events now considered...

‘The system was blinking red’: Awareness...

Vivian B. Martin, Central Connecticut State University, USA Abstract The awareness context has been a source of inspiration for grounded theories for more than 50 years; yet little has been done to extend the theory beyond nursing and the medical field, and a few works on identity. This paper extends the awareness context by examining its role in several high-profile disasters, natural and man-made, where gaining a clear sense of what was going on was often blocked by poor information flow and general communication failures, interpersonal and technological. Selective...

A Novice Researcher’s First Walk Through...

Gary L. Evans, Liverpool John Moores University Abstract Being new to grounded theory the onus to understand the methodology and the various versions can be daunting.  Learning and understanding the differences between grounded theories methodologies can be as much a learning of one’s own research philosophy and this philosophy is often the deciding factor in methodology selection.  Learning the different methodologies is a difficult journey as terminology often sounds similar to the novice researcher, but only by exploring the differences can the...

Surviving Grounded Theory Research Metho...

Naomi Elliott, Trinity College Dublin  Agnes Higgins, Trinity College Dublin Abstract Grounded theory research students are frequently faced with the challenge of writing a research proposal and using a theoretical framework as part of the academic requirements for a degree programme. Drawing from personal experiences of two PhD graduates who used classic grounded theory in two different universities, this paper highlights key lessons learnt which may help future students who are setting out to use grounded theory method. It identifies key discussion points that...

About the Authors

Naomi Elliott was awarded her PhD degree from Queen’s University Belfast and holds professional awards of Registered General Nurse and Registered Nurse Tutor from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland. Her integrated clinical and research expertise draws from her experience at the different levels of healthcare: from policy–making whilst working in the Irish Nursing and Midwifery Board, and with the Department of Health and Children, to the design of professional education programmes, to clinical practice in Ireland, Scotland and New Zealand, as well as a diverse...

From the Editor’s Desk: Remembering Barn...

It is hard to believe that nearly a year has passed since the loss of Dr. Barney G. Glaser, our dear teacher, mentor, friend, and colleague. As co-originator and constant champion of the original classic theory method, Glaser focused much of his life on teaching grounded theory and mentoring novice and experienced grounded theorists. He founded the Grounded Theory Institute, Sociology Press, and this journal, the Grounded Theory Review. He wrote or co-wrote more than 30 books and papers focused on grounded theory. He hosted innovative grounded theory seminars in the US,...

Origins and Growth of Grounded Theory

Barney G. Glaser PhD, Hon PhD Editor’s Note: As we continue celebrate Barney Glaser’s life, we re-publish[1] this gently edited paper about the origin and growth of grounded theory. Through the years as he noticed trends surrounding the method, Glaser codified the different elements and procedures of grounded theory and compared/contrasted them with remodeled versions.  This paper was first published as chapter 1 in Grounded Theory Perspectives: Its Origin and Growth (2016). All books mentioned in this paper can be purchased via Sociology Press at...