Developing Mind Body Hunger Mastery

Siri Khalsa-Zemel, Focus Treatment Centers, USA Kara Vander Linden, Saybrook University, USA Abstract This quest to explore hunger using classic grounded theory was sparked within a dietitian who was hungry for a deeper understanding of her patients.  The high rates of overweight and obesity in the United States are alarming and the mind body link with hunger is a rich area for study. The grand tour question for this classic grounded theory study was “can you tell me about your experience with hunger?”  The resulting theory touches on some of the fastest growing fields of study in the United States: overweight and obesity, mind body medicine, and personal development.  The substantive theory of developing mind body hunger mastery depicts two types of hunger, physical hunger and abstract hunger, each requiring separate nourishment processes.  Nourishment can be interrupted at the physical and the abstract levels, leading to hunger confusion and hunger suffering.  It may be possible to escape this maze through self-awareness and development of mind body hunger mastery. Keywords: Mind, Body, Overweight, Obesity, Personal development, nourishment, hunger suffering Introduction Eating for pleasure (hedonic eating) is shown to be associated with overeating and loss of control over eating (Stroebe, Papeis, & Aarts, 2008; Witt & Lowe, 2014), which is influenced by emotional eating (Heatherton & Baumeister, 1991; Hernandez-Hons & Woolley, 2012).  Emotional eating is strongly correlated with psychological distress, such as depression, anxiety, anger, and loneliness (Ganley, 1989; Geliebter & Aversa, 2003; Pidgeon, Lacota, & Champion, 2012).  There are many perspectives that aim to explain emotional eating.  From a brain science perspective, obese individuals may experience food as more rewarding than normal weight individuals due to decreased dopamine activity (Nathan et al., 2012; Volkow et al., 2003). Considering emotional regulation as a key to understanding emotional eating, eating in response to emotional cues is shown to be associated with a lack of emotional awareness (Moon & Berenbaum, 2009; Pidgeon et al., 2012; Salovey et al., 1995).  In fact, the desire to escape emotional awareness is a plausible theory to explain the cause of emotional eating (Blackburn et al., 2006; Heatherton & Baumeister, 1991; Polivy & Herman, 1999).  The sensitivity to perceive, understand, and respond to interoceptive signals plays a central role in emotional regulation (Pollatos & Schandry, 2008; Nentjes, Meijer, Bernstein, Arntz, & Medendorp, 2013), and interoceptive awareness has been shown to mediate the relationship between self-objectification and disordered eating (Frederickson & Roberts, 1997; Myers & Crowther, 2008). Theory Development This classic grounded theory study was performed as a doctoral dissertation study by a Registered Dietitian studying Mind Body Medicine at Saybrook University, College of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. The topic area of interest for this research included emotional eating; however, utilizing the terms “emotional eating” and “emotional hunger” may have contradicted the no-preconception rule of CGT, as these fundamental preconceived ideas and widely researched topics may have shaped and limited the data collection, and emergent variables during participant interviews.  Therefore, a broader grand tour question was used to cast a wide net and allow all relevant data to emerge: “Can you tell me about your relationship with hunger?”  Adult participants included those who struggled in their relationships with hunger, with theoretical sampling leading to additional interviews with those who did not struggle with hunger at any level.  A total of nine interviews lasting 45-120 minutes were audio recorded, transcribed (as required by the university), and coded as data.  Two additional publicly accessible interviews and relevant literature were also...

Complex Adaptive Systems of Systems: A Grounded Theory Approach...

Bonnie Johnson, Naval Postgraduate School, United States Karen Holness, Naval Postgraduate School, United States Wayne Porter, Naval Postgraduate School, United States Alejandro Hernandez, Naval Postgraduate School, United States Abstract This paper details the classic grounded theory approach used in a research project to develop a conceptual theory for an engineering solution to address highly complex problems. Highly complex problem domains exist and are on the rise as we enter an Age of Interactions and Complexity. Our current world has been characterized by the plethora and ubiquity of information and global interconnections that link events and decisions to outcomes and effects that are often unpredictable and result in severe unforeseen and unintended consequences. Technological advances such as computers, the internet, Big Data, social media, artificial intelligence, and communication networks have expanded complex problem spaces. However, these same technologies present an opportunity to engineer a complex adaptive system of systems solution to address these challenging problems. This research project embarked on a classic grounded theory approach to study a number of knowledge domains and engineering processes, allowing a conceptual theory to emerge that offers an engineering solution to address highly complex problems. The project resulted in the emergence of a theory for a new class of engineered CASoS solutions. This paper details the classic grounded theory approach taken to conduct the research. Keywords:  complex adaptive systems of systems, grounded theory, systems engineering, complexity Introduction Most people would agree that the world is becoming more complex.  Much of this is driven by two phenomena that have started to dominate our lives in recent years. First, we face an unprecedented level of integration and are immersed in a complex web of interacting technologies and processes, dominated by the developments in information and communication technologies. Second, rapid change has become the norm with technologies, practices, and organizations being introduced continuously into this highly integrated web. (Calvano and John, 2004, p.29) The rise of automation in many systems, and technological ubiquity in general, present complex problems that require a solution that can continually adapt to meet the changing demands of the operational environment. The interaction of heterogeneous and increased technologies introduces multi-faceted problems that are unlike any before seen. Alberts (2011) stated that we have entered the Age of Interactions in which events and decisions are linked to many outcomes that affect many other events. Bar-Yam (2004b) cited many examples of complex problem spaces including military conflict, health care, education, international development, large scale natural disasters, ethnic violence, and terrorism. National strategies often invoke the DIME (diplomatic, information, military, and economic) construct, as is the case when countries apply economic sanctions, or use diplomatic negotiations. Hillson (2009) explained that the DIME components constitute actions and consequential effects that can be highly interactive, complex, and unpredictable. As nations implement the DIME construct, the effects can be highly interrelated and can have unpredictable consequences. Technological advances in global information and communication infrastructures accelerate these complex interactions and the tempo of cause and effect. Complexity scientists are studying the causes and effects of seemingly unrelated events that have significant repercussions. Lagi, Bertrand, and Bar-Yam (2011) found that agricultural price increases in North America due to droughts were indirectly and inadvertently linked as a causal factor to violent protests in North Africa and the Middle East. Technological advances in computers, Big Data, artificial intelligence, global information and communication networks have contributed to complex problem spaces. Big Data refers to the current paradigm of enormous amounts of data and information...

A Grounded Theory on Obtaining Congruence in Decision Making...

Michal T. Lysek, Halmstad University, Sweden Abstract This paper is a grounded theory on obtaining congruence in decision making. It is a study on how people receive contradictory information, and how they go through the process of deciding which option(s) to select. Sometimes leaders (e.g. officers, managers, etc.) try to engage people in challenging undertakings and present them with goals to follow. Which goals are followed and which are not depends on how they process that information, and what influences their decisions. By better understanding their decision making process, leaders could better learn how to influence people’s decisions. Leaders are also sometimes unaware that people often struggle with contradictory choices. The process of obtaining congruence in decision making consists of four stages: struggling, congruencing, deciding, and justifying. The process shows how people resolve cognitive struggles related to contradictive issues. The process is also a complementing theory to other theories on decision making related to psychology, management, and innovation. Keywords:Congruencing, deciding, justifying, struggling, classic grounded theory Introduction In their professions, people have to fulfill certain external expectations. At the same time, they also have a need to fulfill their own internal desires. These external expectations and internal desires can be defined as different objectives, some of which can even be contradictory to each other even if they have a common end goal. To fulfill these objectives, people have to make certain choices (and choose between different options). Those choices depend on their decisions, which make the process one of decision making. However, those decisions depend on finding congruence between their different choices. The main concern of these people in such a situation is to find congruence between certain choices related to their external and internal objectives. If congruence can be found between two or more different choices, then they can all be selected; but if not, then one or some of them need to be prioritized and the others rejected. Thus, the main concern of these people can be resolved by obtaining congruence in the process of decision making. This grounded theory was discovered in March of 2018, during a special program for participants from the Swedish Armed Forces. A total of 52 officers participated.  The lectures were held for eight of them at either the Armed Forces Technical School (FMTS) or the Anti-Aircraft Regiment (Lv.6) in Halmstad, Sweden.  For the remaining 41 participants, lectures were held at various regiments and flotillas (air wing, naval station) around Mälardalen, Sweden, including the Air Combat Training School (LSS) in Uppsala, Sweden and the Berga Haninge Garrison (Amf.1) in Stockholm, Sweden. Half of the participants were captains and half were majors. All participants, regardless of rank, were required to write a bachelor thesis as a preparation for the senior officer program (HOP). After the HOP, a Captain is promoted to the rank of Major or Lieutenant Commander. A Major is promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, and a Lieutenant Commander is promoted to Commander. However, since writing a bachelor thesis was a requirement for starting the HOP, the participants enrolled in this special program which covered one methodology course and one candidate thesis. I was involved as one of the lecturers for the methodology course. My task as a lecturer was to hold two types of lectures conducted in an integrated way, mixing practice with theory, and following a concentrated/focused schedule. One type of lectures dealt with quantitative research and the other type of lectures dealt with classic grounded theory, where my task was to...

Reflections on being an expert

Debbie Garratt, Notre Dame University, Sydney Abstract In this essay, the author explores the journey of undertaking a Grounded Theory (GT) research project on a topical area closely aligned with her profession, although on a specific aspect about which little was known.  By following the data as directed in GT, the area under study became one in which the researcher was more of an expert.  How this shift from “little known” to “expert area” occurred and the challenges relative to overcoming the researcher’s anxiety associated with this shift are two themes explored. The researcher’s conclusion is that expert knowledge enabled nuances to be seen that may otherwise have been missed, but that having expert knowledge necessitated greater attention to ensuring sensitisation, not preconception. Keywords: reflections, expert, classic grounded theory, abortion, grief Classic Grounded Theory (GT) is best undertaken on a subject about which a researcher knows little, leaving him or her open to new discoveries untainted by prior knowledge or expectations (Glaser, 2013).  As a novice researcher dedicated to learning GT, I took this directive very seriously to ensure my methodology was sound. As someone who is an avid reader, passionate about the lives and experiences of women in the world, I had quickly become enamoured with the writings of Brené Brown (2012, 2015).  On discovering that her understandings of people’s inner experiences were founded in GT, my interest in this methodology began.  As a counsellor and educator of more than 25 years, I am intrigued by the unique trajectories of people’s lives and the common themes among them. I believed there was yet to be discovered depth that united people and I sought to discover such shared experiences. GT essentially fit my need to know more information. To this end, my initial foray into PhD research was in an area unrelated to my work, but one in which I was very interested, adoption.  The study received approval however in spite of many attempts in which I failed effectively to recruit; the initial study was abandoned.  During this time however, my learning of GT for the purpose of embarking on a first study made me more determined that this methodology of choice would suit whatever my next research focus became. Pursuing my PhD changed focus and became a step toward adding credibility to my work in a highly ideological and polarising field of educating about the adverse impact of abortion wherein I have fast become considered an expert.  However, my expert status seemed not to reconcile with GT as an appropriate methodology given the recommendation that GT is best suited to a topic about which the researcher knows little. One aspect of my work has been the development of education and resources for practitioners who deal with women experiencing challenging circumstances during pregnancy and who have adversely suffered after abortion; the objective is for the practitioners to be able more effectively to support these grieving women after a termination. While almost 300 professionals have accessed this education, I remained unaware of whether it had positively influenced practise. Therefore, the aim of this PhD research was to identify gaps in practitioner knowledge and practise, and determine how these gaps may impact their interactions with women.  The end goal was being to inform the development of more effective educational resources based on knowledge gaps.  After embarking on my first interview with the ethics approved interview questions in hand, and my own broad opening question ready to take centre stage, I could...

An Exploration of Key Issues in the Debate Between Classic and Constructivist Grounded Theory...

Anne O’ Connor, National University of Galway, Ireland Barry Carpenter, University of Limerick, Ireland Barry Coughlan, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland Abstract In this paper, the debates and discourse between Classic GT or Constructivist GT are explored. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the various claims in a critical manner by revisiting the original discourse outlining these approaches. The importance of maintaining a reflective, neutral stance while examining the arguments and evidence for the claims on both sides of this debate is emphasized.  In the final analysis, the view taken by these researchers was that valid arguments could be made to support Classic and Constructive GT approaches. The rationale for choosing a Classic GT methodology is outlined. Guidelines to support novice researchers in their task of choosing the most appropriate GT approach are suggested. Keywords: classic grounded theory, constructivist grounded theory, literature review, participant voice, epistemological assumptions GT was first described in 1967 by Glaser and Strauss and continues to be an evolving methodology with a number of iterations, ongoing debates, discussion and controversies with many researchers strongly identifying with one or other side in these debates (Glaser & Strauss, 1967). This paper will focus on the debates between Classic and Constructivist GT. A challenge for novice researchers attempting to distinguish between approaches in GT is that the research designs share many core features and procedures (Bryant & Charmaz, 2007). While proponents of each approach emphasize their differences, the significance of these differences are often unclear to the GT novice. On first examination, it is difficult to identify the differences in the research process as the same terminology can be used to describe different processes or indeed the same process.  These issues are additionally confusing for a novice researcher as it is difficult to gain initial clarity on the importance of the various differences when comparing approaches. A second challenge for the novice is the tendency for authors on either side of these debates to adopt polarized positions. There is a natural tendency in these debates for each side to emphasize their differences and the unique offerings of their approach while minimising the shared similarities. It can be difficult for a novice, who is unfamiliar with the area and in search of certainty, to retain a neutral stance and resist being swayed by the passion of the arguments rather than their rationale and content. The need for each researcher to appraise the arguments critically within the context of their own research aims is crucial. A challenge for the novice is the way in which “competing” authors represent the opposing proponent’s writings.  Novice researchers must be careful not to accept these views uncritically. One example from this author’s experience was the example of Charmaz’s (2008) claim when referring to Glaser’s (1978) book Theoretical Sensitivity suggesting that “the abstract terms and dense writing Glaser employed rendered the book inaccessible to many readers” (p. 513). A reading of this book found that this claim was not supported as the terms used in the writing were clear and the writings was found to be logical, clear, and accessible. While various authors used arguments from their proponents’ work to support their arguments, the researcher notes that quotes were occasionally taken out of context or did not reflect the full complexity of the original author’s thinking or certain researcher’s interpretation of the author’s position. Such observations emphasized the importance of critical appraisal of all sides of this debate and the importance of reading...

About the Authors

Barry Carpenter is Honorary Professor at the Universities of Worcester (UK), Limerick (Ireland), Hamburg (Germany), and Flinders, (Australia). In his career, Barry has held leadership positions of Academic Director, Chief Executive, Principal, Headteacher, Inspector of Schools and Director of the Centre for Special Education at Westminster College, Oxford. In 2009, he was appointed by the Secretary of State for Education as Director of the Children with Complex Learning Difficulties and Disabilities Research Project. Subsequently, Barry has overseen the development of a national project developing on-line training materials for teachers of children with severe, profound and complex learning disabilities. The author of over 100 articles on special educational needs, he has won the prestigious Times award for his co-edited book “Enabling Access.”  He has been awarded Fellowships of the Royal Societies of Arts and Medicine, and was created OBE and CBE by the Queen for services to children with special needs. Anne O’ Connor works as a clinical psychologist in Early Intervention Services and is currently pursuing a PhD. Anne has practiced in the general area of childhood disability and is particularly interested in the family perspective and experience. She also works as a clinical coordinator on the Doctorate Programme for Clinical Psychologists which affords her the opportunity to visit services throughout Ireland. After many years of clinical practice Anne is now also working as an academic and researcher. She has been focusing on developing opportunities for local clinicians and researchers to collaborate to increase research input to disability studies. She is a member of the International Society of Early Intervention. Through her work on her PhD she has developed an interest in Classic Grounded Theory. Dr. Barry Coughlan, Acting Director on the Doctoral programme in Clinical Psychology at the University of Limerick and also maintains a clinical practice and professional consultancy portfolio.  Dr Coughlan has a special interest in the emotional wellbeing & mental health of young people and adults with intellectual disability and complex need.  His clinical and associated research focus includes mental health & emotional wellbeing in intellectual disability, Complex Learning Difficulties & Disabilities, Special Educational Needs, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Ageing and Disability, Deinstitutionalisation & Community integration. In 2015, Dr. Coughlan was commissioned by the Australian Ministry of Education (Melbourne Office) to undertake a review of Western Autistic Schools’ special provision for young adolescents presenting with high functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder and mental health difficulties. Debbie Garratt, PhD Candidate at Notre Dame University, Sydney, is a clinical nurse consultant, qualified counsellor and adult educator, and founder and Executive Director of Real Choices Australia, an organisation established to provide quality research and education on reproductive health issues.  As part of this work, Debbie also consults to community groups and the health sector on professional standards and organisational development for services for women experiencing challenges during the perinatal period. For 20 years she has divided her time between the provision of education and clinical supervision to practitioners and clients locally through her private practice, and research, education and speaking engagements both nationally and internationally. Debbie’s current doctoral research is a grounded theory study of dominant discourses. Alejandro Hernandez, PhD, Colonel, US Army (Ret.), Associate Professor, Systems Engineering Department, Naval Postgraduate School. Dr. Hernandez is an associate professor in the systems engineering department at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) in Monterey, California. He holds a B.S. in civil engineering from the U.S. Military Academy, a M.S. and Ph.D. in operations research from NPS, and a masters in strategic studies from the Army...

Becoming Comfortable with MY Epilepsy: The How2tell Study...

Naomi Elliott, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Introduction This short paper on Becoming comfortable with MY epilepsy is part of the How2tell study on disclosure and epilepsy. The purpose of the study is to explain how people with epilepsy (PWE) disclose information about their condition and, using this knowledge, develop a multi-media educational resource that will support PWE learn how to tell other people about their epilepsy.  The inductive approach of grounded theory (Glaser, 1998) allow for a viable means to generate a robust explanation about disclosure—one that was grounded in the realities of PWE everyday life. From a healthcare and policy perspective (England, Liverman, Schultz, & Strawbridge, 2012), providing access to relevant and usable knowledge for people with epilepsy that meets their individual needs is important to enable them to participate effectively in self-care management. Grounded theory, therefore, was essential to the How2tell study, which was successfully awarded a research grant from the highly competitive Health Research Board and Epilepsy Ireland’s research grant programme. Methods To gather data on first-hand experiences of disclosure and epilepsy, in-depth interviews were carried out with 49 consenting adult people with epilepsy (18 years and over) in Ireland. In the early stages of concurrent data gathering and analysis, becoming comfortable began to emerge as a tentative category. Later, as data gathering, analysis and theoretical sampling progressed; the category was further developed to becoming comfortable with MY epilepsy. Becoming comfortable with MY epilepsy “I knew about it [epilepsy] to a degree, but not on a personal level . . . not the experience of it.” A major concern identified by participants in the How2tell study related to feeling ready to start talking about their epilepsy with other people. At the time of being newly diagnosed with epilepsy, participants were at the beginning stage of coming to terms with the diagnosis and trying to understand how epilepsy would affect them personally in everyday life. Importantly, participants did not feel ready to talk about their epilepsy with other people until they felt comfortable with the epilepsy diagnosis and, in particular, their type of epilepsy. Becoming comfortable with epilepsy was a gradual process and developed over time. As part of the process, participants used four main strategies that helped them reach a point of feeling ready to talk about their epilepsy. The first strategy, becoming knowledgeable with MY epilepsy, involved sourcing information that was relevant to their particular type of epilepsy. Epilepsy is a complex neurological condition and encompasses a broad spectrum of different types of epilepsy and seizures, so that newly diagnosed PWE realize that they need to learn about the complexities of managing their epilepsy. Another strategy that participants use is becoming a member of an epilepsy support group. Although information on epilepsy was readily available from healthcare professionals, information booklets, Internet, and specialty epilepsy websites, participants find that joining a support group where they could meet other people with epilepsy and, importantly, meet people with their type of epilepsy is particularly helpful in becoming comfortable with MY epilepsy. A third strategy PWE use is to confide in a close friend or family member. The first time they tell someone about their epilepsy, they usually choose to tell someone who is close to them and whom they trust. Saying the word epilepsy out loud, getting used to talking to close friends, and dealing with their reactions help PWE to become more comfortable in talking about their epilepsy. The fourth strategy involves practicing telling, which is particularly...

Formal Grounded Theory: Knowing When to Come Out of the Rain...

Vivian B. Martin, Central Connecticut State University, USA Getting started on a formal grounded theory is daunting for many grounded theorists, but now, as I tweak a nearly complete one, I find that knowing when to stop, to come in out of the rain, so to speak, can be a challenge, too. After more than a decade of procrastinating, one of the lessons for me was one I knew but needed reminding of—the implications of the core help shape and delimit the formal grounded theory (Glaser, 2007). Maybe if I had pasted this to my computer and read it each day I could have cut my theory development time considerably. But having a mantra does not clear the path to a theory.  A formal grounded theory takes on the world of knowledge far more boldly than does a substantive theory, which is based in one subdiscipline. It is not always simple to clear a path through the competing knowledge claims and epistemologies on the phenomenon one is studying. This was especially true of my theory on defensive disattending, which is evident throughout micro and macro level spheres of life. Defensive disattending explains the processes through which people seek to protect themselves from information, people, and situations they perceive as threats to their sense of self, comfort, autonomy, freedom, power, or belief system. It is evident in areas as diverse as personal relationships (patient-doctor, the spouse swatting away evidence of a cheating mate) to the ways the NFL (National Football League) refused to accept that concussions cause brain damage and created a system to fight the evidence. It became all too clear during the polarizing 2016 Presidential campaign in the US and its aftermath, where fake news and “alternative facts” became substitutes for facts people did not want to face. Through discounting awareness, the core of the theory, a range of disattending strategies allow people to distance themselves from discomfort or threat. Typically, the offending phenomenon works its way into the frame of awareness, forcing an encounter that people ignore, marginalize or aggressively resist. Temporality and emotionality are dimensions of the encounters as well. The various types of disattending strategies do not typically resolve into moments of acceptance.  Generally, people continue to fight the fight unless phenomenon from the outside disrupt the cycle—the anti-vaccine parent’s child gets really ill, or people’s social network changes.  In extreme cases, “organizing doubt,” becomes a strategy for governments and organizations – tobacco, the NFL, oil companies—that, due to high stakes, wage war on the truth.  In many ways, the theory of defensive disattending is a theory about the social interaction of denial. My substantive theory of purposive attending, which focused on how people deal with news media in everyday life, launched my examination of attending and disattending (Martin, 2004, 2008).  Despite my focus on the interplay of awareness, the evaluation of relevance and attending, I became more interested in the many ways in which awareness could be snuffed out before it emerged fully. Glaser and Straus’s use of discounting awareness (1964, 1965) had intrigued me on many levels. It contained a number of implications in its discussion of the way medical professionals carried on their conversations and routines in front of comatose or mentally disabled people they assumed could not hear or understand them. The sociologist Erving Goffman (1974/1986) had invoked their work in his discussion of how people move situations in and out of frame. I saw possible connection to these understandings in...