Issue 1, June 2022

Grounded Theory Has the Power to Change Lives: A Tribute to Barney Gla...

Alvita Nathaniel, PhD In November 2021, I had a very long late-night phone conversation with 91-year-old Barney Glaser. His eyes were failing and his body was weak, but his mind was sharp and clear. I could hear his wife, Carolyn’s, voice in the background as our conversation waxed and waned. He told me about the next book he was planning to write—a theory on aging. He was keen to talk about grounded theory. As we ruminated, he mentioned some of his favorite theories. He remembered the names of the theories, their core categories, and the theorists—most of whom he had...

“Stop story talking! What’s the concept?” In Memoriam of G...

Astrid Gynnild, PhD, Professor, and Fellow of the Grounded Theory Institute There are those rare moments in a life that are just meant to be. You might encounter a person, a piece of text or perhaps an idea that hits you in a way that you couldn´t possibly know beforehand. And yet you intuitively know it is a decisive moment. You get a sense of a cutting point, a transition that leads you on to a new path in life. There is a time before and a time after. But there is no way back. I have lived with grounded theory for two decades. I was lucky to be part of many activities...

How Barney Glaser and Classic Grounded Theory Have changed and Impacte...

Barry Chametzky, PhD Barry Chametzky, PhD Senior Core Faculty, Dissertation Chair American College of Education USA I could never have imagined, how, in 2011 or so, my life would have been positively affected by one person and a research design in my dissertation. At that time, I was starting to write my dissertation and was planning on using an ethno-phenomeno-case study-ology as my research design. Clearly, I was confused and naive. But I connected with an online cohort where I learned about classic grounded theory. I’d like to share some instances of how Barney Glaser...

The Grounded Theory Family Tree: A Living, Growing Testament to the Li...

Kara Lynette Vander Linden   Abstract Grounded theory has a rich history which starts with its co-developers Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss, each of whom had an impressive research pedigree. Their famous study on death and dying led to the publication of the seminal book Discovery of Grounded Theory. For years they taught cohorts of students grounded theory. These students contributed to the growth of the grounded theory family tree. Glaser started Sociology Press to publish his numerous books on grounded theory. He also founded the Grounded Theory Institute and...

A Tribute to Barney Glaser (1930-2022): A Trial to Rethink Economics b...

Ólavur Christiansen, PhD, Associate Professor Emeritus, University of the Faroe Islands Abstract The inductive methodology of classic grounded theory (CGT) is extremely different from the logical-deductive methodology of mainstream economics – as well as the inductive econometrics approach. Consequently, it becomes a pressing issue how Barney Glaser’s work can be used in the contexts of economic. To use CGT on an abstract concept like “mainstream economics” would be an impossibility. A CGT is about the behaviour of some specific individuals – as for example...

Discovering and Uncovering: A new Perspective on Dissociative Identity...

Barry Chametzky, PhD Abstract Dissociative identity disorder is not new. Yet, there exists a paucity of emic research on the topic due to its covert nature. In this research, the disorder is presented and understood from the perspective of the person who must live with it on a daily basis. Through the newly discovered theory of discovering and uncovering, the reader will gain a more nuanced perspective of the disorder. Keywords: dissociative disorder, classic grounded theory, neurodiverse, traumagenic, multiplicity, post-traumatic stress disorder, ketamine In life, the...