Volume 19

How Do Waste-Picker Families Endure? Resolving Pains and Managing Supp...

Diego Mauricio Paucar Villacorta, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos Abstract Public waste-management systems in Latin American cities are defective. However, waste-pickers take advantage of this situation and create small family-based waste-processing units. However, little is known about how these families constantly meet their needs, manage suffering or even overcome poverty. How do they get to survive in such a context? This paper presents the classic grounded theory of resourcing from close relationships, based on a secondary analysis of data produced during...

About the Authors

Barry Chametzky, Ph.D. American College of Education, City University of Seattle. Dr. Chametzky holds graduate degrees in Music (Conservatory of Music at Brooklyn College, City University of New York), French (Middlebury College), and Foreign Language education (University of Pittsburgh).  Dr. Chametzky is an active researcher in the fields of andragogy, e-learning, anxiety and online foreign language acquisition, and classic grounded theory with numerous peer-reviewed publications and book chapters to his credit.  He is also one of the reviewers and the copyeditor for...

From the Editor’s Desk

As with many aspects of life during the age of covid-19, the summer issue of the Grounded Theory Review has been delayed.  We are pleased to publish, however late, this issue.  The Grounded Theory Review is dedicated to supporting researchers who conduct classic grounded theory research.  Classic grounded theory is a unique method of discovering never before recognized processes and patterns of human behavior, a method well-suited to studying current issues and processes. These are troubling days of pandemic illness, cultural upheaval, racial animus, international...

Getting Started

Barney G. Glaser Editor’s note:  Especially helpful for those thinking of beginning new research projects, this paper addresses common questions about the particular way in which grounded theorists identify a research problem and craft a research question appropriate for classic grounded theory.  Getting Started was first published by Sociology Press in Glaser’s Emergence vs Forcing: Basics of Grounded Theory Analysis (1992).  This important chapter has been excerpted and lightly edited for clarity and context. It may sometimes be said that one of the most difficult parts...

Strengthening Devotion: A Classic Grounded Theory on Acceptance, Adapt...

Ramona Rolle-Berg, Ph.D., HTCP, MS, CPGL Kara Vander Linden, EdD, MS, BA Abstract The experiences of parents rearing an autistic child(ren) framed an exploration of caregiver well-being using Glaser’s classic grounded theory.  The theory delineates struggles, stress, and self-growth through service.  Viewed as a roadmap, strengthening devotion guides caregivers through a fear-driven landscape of altered perceptions that fuels evolution in awarenss about what it means to love nonjudgmentally with unqualified faith not only in a child(ren) but in one’s own resilience....

Self-Balancing Sanctuarying: A Classic Grounded Theory of Relaxation

Ruth Tiffany Naylor, CPsychol, British Autogenic Society, Ltd., London, England Abstract This author aimed to set out a grounded theory (GT) of relaxation as it is carried out under the normal pressures and tensions of everyday life. After switching from using the Corbin and Strauss grounded theory (2008) design to classic grounded theory, the author discovered a five-step theoretical causal-consequence model emerged from the analysis of what 21 non-anxious-to-slightly-anxious people from the community said what they do to relax. Their main concern is self-balancing. A...