Issue 1, June 2017

Negotiated Re-orienting: A Theory Generated through International Coll...

Tom Andrews, University of Cork, Ireland Introduction The theory presented here was generated from a research project that involved researchers in five countries.  To our knowledge, this is the first classic grounded theory generated by such an international collaborative effort.  This article starts by describing the collaborative process, then the theory is presented. The project This research project was co-ordinated by researchers in the United Kingdom (UK).  They were quantitative researchers, quite unfamiliar with qualitative research in general, but decided to use...

Intellectual Autonomy of PhD Researchers who use the Grounded Theory M...

Andy Lowe, PhD, Thailand Abstract The decision to choose the grounded theory methodology (GT) for one’s PhD research should never be done lightly, as outlined in Glaser (2015).  The emergence of a researcher’s own intellectual autonomy is often of more importance than the research itself. Intellectual autonomy can be fostered perpetually and spasmodically. Keywords: intellectual autonomy, grounded theory, perpetual fostering, investigating, negotiating. Perpetual fostering Intellectual autonomy can be fostered perpetually in three main ways; discovery of “voice”,...

Patterns of Theoretical Similarity

Kara L. Vander Linden, Saybrook University, USA Abstract Classic grounded theories explicate patterns of behavior used by individuals within a substantive area to address problematic areas that they are working to address.  Through the brief examination and explanation of two classic grounded theories conducted by the author, overlapping patterns of theoretical similarity are discussed despite the theories’ emergence from different substantive areas. The future development of formal grounded theories from these and other substantive grounded theories is discussed....

Rethinking Applied Economics by Classic Grounded Theory: An Invitation...

Olavur Christiansen, University of Faroe Islands Introduction The heading of this paper refers to an issue that so far remains unaddressed by classic grounded theory (CGT) researchers. The aim of this paper is to take a closer look at the accordance between the CGT methodology and the field of applied economics (economic policy-making). The goal is NOT to present a finished theory; the purpose is to briefly discuss the main concern and to suggest some possible properties of the recurrent solution of the main concern (the core variable) within the field of applied...

Grounded Theory: Study of Aboriginal Nations

Gary L. Evans, University of Prince Edward Island, PEI, Canada Abstract Recently, Elers (2016) published an article stating the importance of using Classical Grounded Theory (CGT) when researching indigenous populations.  This article puts forward CGT as a viable and necessary tool for researching this complex subject as it requires researchers to utilize multiple data sources and, as in this particular project, can be used by multiple disciplinary teams. Canada has much to do to rebuild the trust of the indigenous people of Canada. CGT shows promise as a methodology that...

Complexities in Palliative Cancer Care: Can Grounded Theories be Usefu...

Anna Sandgren, Linnaeus University, Sweden This paper includes first a summary of a grounded theory “Living on hold”, which was one of four different grounded theories in my dissertation (Sandgren, 2010). The theory is then explained in relation to the other grounded theories to give an example of how different grounded theories can be integrated, which leads to an increased awareness of what is going on in a research area. Keywords: palliative cancer care, increase awareness, grounded theories, living on hold. Living on hold The aim of this study was to develop a classic...