Issue no.3, November 2009

Volume 8, Issue no. 3, November 2009

Volume 8, Issue no. 3, November 2009- PDF  Editorial Judith A. Holton, Ph.D. Theoretical Writing Barney G. Glaser, Ph.D., Hon. Ph.D. Marketing for Acceptance Tina L. Johnston, Ph.D. The Hook: Getting your grounded theory research published,Phyllis Noerager Stern,DNS, LLD (hon.), FAAN Qualitative Tussles in Undertaking a Grounded Theory Study Judith A. Holton, Ph.D. Theoretical Coding in Grounded Theory Methodology Cheri Ann Hernandez, RN, Ph.D., CDE

Theoretical Writing1

Barney G. Glaser, Ph.D., Hon. Ph.D. Theoretical sorting has brought the analyst to the point of pent-up pressure to write: to see the months of work actualized in a “piece.” But this is only a personal pressure. The goal of grounded theory methodology, above all is to offer the results to the public, usually through one or more publications. We will focus on writing for publication, which is the most frequent way that the analyst can tell how people are “buying” what really matters in sociology, or in other fields. Both feedback on and use of publications will be the best...

Marketing for Acceptance

Tina L. Johnston, Ph.D. Abstract Becoming a researcher comes with the credentializing pressure to publish articles in peer-reviewed journals (Glaser, 1992; Glaser, 2007; Glaser, 2008). The work intensive process is exacerbated when the author’s research method is grounded theory. This study investigated the concerns of early and experienced grounded theorists to discover how they worked towards publishing research projects that applied grounded theory as a methodology. The result was a grounded theory of marketing for acceptance that provides the reader with insight into...

The Hook: Getting your grounded theory research published1

Phyllis Noerager Stern, DNS, LLD (hon.), FAAN 1This article in an expanded and modified form will appear in the forthcoming book, Accessible grounded theory: A beginner’s handbook. Authors, Phyllis Stern and Caroline Porr I learned about the hook as a fledgling writer back in the late 70’s, and early 80s. I wrote about stepfamilies when almost nobody else did (Stern, 1978, 1982a, 1982b). My big break came when I published an English-language version on how to do grounded theory. In my field, nursing, grounded theory was the buzz word of the day, but few nurses had a...

Qualitative Tussles in Undertaking a Grounded Theory Study

Judith A. Holton, Ph.D. 1 Much of this paper is extracted from Holton, J. A. (2007). The coding process and its challenges. In A. Bryant, & K. Charmaz (Eds.), The Sage handbook of grounded theory. (pp. 265-289). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Abstract Those who’ve been trained to regard grounded theory as a qualitative research method frequently struggle to ‘unlearn’ qualitative data analysis dicta when undertaking a classic grounded theory study. A plethora of research methods texts that support this notion of grounded theory as a qualitative method are primarily...

Theoretical Coding in Grounded Theory Methodology

Cheri Ann Hernandez, RN, Ph.D., CDE Abstract When doing classic grounded theory research, one of the most problematic areas, particularly for novice researchers, is the theoretical coding process. The identification of theoretical codes is essential to development of an integrated and explanatory substantive theory when a researcher is using classic grounded theory research methodology, but it is not a part of Straussian qualitative data analysis as described by Strauss and Corbin. A theoretical code is the relational model through which all substantive codes/categories...