Issue no.2 , June 2008

Are There Two Methods of Grounded Theory? Demystifying the Methodologi...

Cheri Ann Hernandez, RN, Ph.D., CDE Abstract Grounded theory is an inductive research method for the generation of substantive or formal theory, using qualitative or quantitative data generated from research interviews, observation, or written sources, or some combination thereof (Glaser & Strauss, 1967). In recent years there has been much controversy over the etiology of its discovery, as well as, the exact way in which grounded theory research is to be operationalized. Unfortunately, this situation has resulted in much confusion, particularly among novice...

Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Originally published as Chapter 7 in Glaser (2003). The Grounded Theory Perspective II: Description’s remodeling of grounded theory methodology, Mill Valley, CA: Sociology Press, pp. 99-113. Barney G. Glaser, Ph.D., Hon. Ph.D. The main point in the next two chapters is that the methodological literature is filled with references to the quantitative-qualitative conflict or opposition. Qualitative data is credited with providing the meaning and factual interpretation that quantitative data does not, thus it is more accurate in findings, interpretation and theory as opposed...

Grounded Theory as a General Research Methodology

Judith A. Holton, Ph.D. Abstract Since its inception over forty years ago, grounded theory has achieved canonical status in the research world (Locke, 2001, p.1). Qualitative researchers, in particular, have embraced grounded theory although often without sufficient scholarship in the methodology (Partington, 2000, p.93; 2002, p.136). The embrace renders many researchers unable to perceive grounded theory as a general methodology and an alternative to the dominant qualitative and quantitative research paradigms. The result is methodological confusion and an often...

The Rationale for the Use of Classic GT

Ólavur Christiansen, Ph.D. Abstract Two “hallmarks” explain why and how Glaser’s GT method is one of a kind and meaningless for research that is conventionally pre-framed: (I) The finding of the core variable is the first stage of the research and it is accomplished by the systematic treatment of the data. The core variable sums up and explains the main concern (and its recurrent solution) of those being studied, and most of the variation in the data. The study is then delimited to concepts related to the core variable. This is equivalent to the finding of the research...

Management Research and Grounded Theory: A review of grounded theorybu...

Graham J.J. Kenealy, Ph.D. Abstract Grounded theory is a systematic methodology for the collection and analysis of data which was discovered by Glaser and Strauss in the 1960’s. The discovery of this method was first presented to the academic community in their book ‘The Discovery of Grounded Theory’ (1967) which still remains a primary point of reference for those undertaking qualitative research and grounded theory in particular. This powerful research method has become very popular in some research domains; whilst increasing in popularity it is still less prevalent in...