Mark Maximising in a Context of Uncertai...

Penny Hart and Helen Scott Graduates in the United Kingdom are expected to possess professional skills fitting them for a successful transition to paid work with employers valuing student attributes such as communication skills, initiative and the ability to work well with others. Assessed group work at university has been seen as a way of promoting these skills and qualities, however it is not always popular with students, who can experience problems when working together. This is a practical study intended to better understand ‘what is going on for’ students’ in order...

Book Review: Replacing The Discovery of ...

Olavur Christiansen, University of the Faroe Islands Glaser, B. G. (2016). The Grounded theory perspective: Its origin and growth. Mill Valley, CA: Sociology Press. This book is Glaser’s fourth in Sociology Press’ perspective series. The first book in this series was about “conceptualization contrasted with description”. The second book was about “description’s remodeling of grounded theory methodology”; the third book was about “theoretical coding”. The overriding purpose of all books written by Glaser is to help novice CGT researchers in their dissertation work, often...

Book Review: Grounded Theory in Perspect...

Helen Scott, PhD, Grounded Theory Online Glaser, B.G., (2016). The grounded theory perspective: Its origin and growth. Mill Valley, CA: Sociology Press. The grounded theory general method of research was Glaser and Strauss’ response to the problem of “superthink”: the generation of hypotheses in the field of sociology without recourse to data. Glaser and Strauss observed that since such hypotheses were of little relevance, pursuing them wasted resources and had fateful impact on young researchers’ careers. Glaser and Strauss preferred to ground their hypotheses in data...

About the authors

Tom Andrews, PhD, is a Lecturer in Nursing at Brookfield Health Science Complex, University of Cork, Ireland, specialising in critical care. Andrews lectures in research methods on post-graduate courses and currently supervise a number of PhD students using classic GT. He has conducted a number of classic grounded theory troubleshooting seminars alone and in collaboration. He is a fellow of the GT Institute and publishes in a number of journals. He is currently involved in two grounded theory projects. His research interests are around worsening progressions whatever the...

Editorial: From Grounded Description to ...

Astrid Gynnild, University of Bergen, Norway What is the difference between grounded description and grounded theory?  Many researchers and supervisors of grounded theory ponder that question. It is not always easy to identify the difference, especially since GTs are written up as running conceptual discussions and, as such, might give individuals new to the method a feel of description. As Dr. Glaser points out in his first article in this issue, “Grounded Description,” it is easy to overdo the open coding stage and incidentally move from potential theory generation into...