Deciphering Unwritten Rules

Anna Sandgren, Jönköping University Abstract The aim of this study was to develop a classic grounded theory of patients, relatives and nurses in palliative cancer care. Data from three earlier studies conducted in palliative care were analyzed. “Deciphering unwritten rules” emerged as the pattern of behavior through which patients, relatives and nurses are dealing with the uncertainty of how to act and behave in palliative cancer care. Deciphering means finding out what the rules mean and trying to interpret them and this can be done consciously or unnoticed. Deciphering...

The Local-Cosmoploitan Scientist. The Gr...

Glaser, Barney G. (2011) In contrast to previous discussions in the literature treating cosmopolitan and local as two distinct groups of scientists, this paper demonstrates the notion of cosmopolitan and local as a dual orientation of highly motivated scientists. This dual orientation is derived from institutional motivation, which is a determinant of both high quality basic research and accomplishment of non-research organizational activities. The dual orientation arises in a context of similarity of the institutional goal of science with the goal of the organization;...

Response to Reviewers

Stern & Porr (2011) Response to Reviewers Phyllis Noranger Stern,DNS, LLD (hon.), FAAN No abstract on site

The Theory of Social Control and the Soc...

NB: There were two entries with the same abstract – mistake? Selmes, Orsolya. (2011). The Theory of Social Control and the Social Psychology of Dissatisfaction: Inhibition, regression and isolation in a cultural context. The Grounded Theory Review, vol.10, no.2, pp.91-111. The Theory of Social Control (TSC) is grounded in satisfaction and happiness research. The study investigated the reasons behind relatively low levels of civil and personal satisfaction, subjective social well-being and experienced happiness in the post-communist Hungarian social context. The...

The Theory of Social Control and the Soc...

Selmes, Orsolya. (2011). The Theory of Social Control and the Social Psychology of Dissatisfaction: Inhibition, regression and isolation in a cultural context. The Grounded Theory Review, vol.10, no.2, pp.91-111. The Theory of Social Control (TSC) is grounded in satisfaction and happiness research. The study investigated the reasons behind relatively low levels of civil and personal satisfaction, subjective social well-being and experienced happiness in the post-communist Hungarian social context. The basic social process uncovered in the research is self-situating, which...