Becoming Selfless: A Grounded Theory of ...

Roland Nino L. Agoncillo, De La Salle University, Philippines Roberto T. Borromeo, De La Salle University, Philippines Abstract This study focuses on the substantive area of commitment to service in the community of educational partners in the Philippines. Educational partners are lay people who assist religious organizations in the field of education, and in the Philippines, about 96 percent of educational partners are in Lasallian schools and organizations. Educational partners are young professionals, volunteers between the ages of 24-39 who strive to live the...

Secondary Analysis: A Strategy for the U...

Barney G. Glaser, University of California Medical Center, San Francisco Reprinted from Social Problems, Summer 1962, 10(1) In recent years there has been a «rapidly expanding demand for sociologists services by organizations and groups for aid in solving their operating problems (Parsons, 1959). When a prospective client approaches the social scientist with a problem and asks what research can do to help solve it, he will generally focus this question in one or two ways: 1) what research already exists that may help and/or 2) what research can be done directly in the...

Generalizability and the Theory of Offse...

Barry Chametzky, Washington & Jefferson College Abstract When online, post-secondary foreign language learners wrestle with the course material and environment because of their inexperience or misguided expectations, frustration and anxiety often ensue.  The resulting imbalance often hinders satisfactory progress in the course.  Classic grounded theory was used to develop the substantive theory of offsetting the affective filter, which explains the behaviors of learners in the substantive area of online, post-secondary foreign language classes.  With the grab and...

About the Authors

Roland Nino L. Agoncillo, PhD, is the Chair of the Educational Leadership and Management Department of the Br. Andrew Gonzales College of Education of De La Salle University, Manila Philippines. He received special training and coursework at a grounded theory troubleshooting seminar in New York under a special grant from Dr. Barney G. Glaser and the Grounded Theory Institute of California USA. He serves as a consultant to different educational institutions in the Philippines. Roberto T. Borromeo, PhD, is an Associate Professor in Educational...


Astrid Gynnild, Editor GT constantly challenges grounded theorists to expand their skills and competencies in areas where they know little. Many researchers experience that theoretical coding is possibly the most difficult task of doing grounded theory.  One of the many myths is that most, or all, grounded theories are basic processes, or that they should be. As documented in Theoretical Sensitivity (Glaser, 1978) and Theoretical Coding (Glaser, 2005), there are dozens of theoretical codes and coding families available for grounded theorists to pick and choose from,...