About the Authors

Barry Chametzky holds a PhD in education from Northcentral University.  He is a part-time adjunct professor at Ozarks Technical Community College in Missouri where he teaches lower-level online French classes.  His areas of expertise are e-learning, online foreign language learning, andragogy, and classic grounded theory.  He has published several journal articles on e-learning and andragogy.  During his doctoral research using the classic grounded theory method, Dr. Chametzky developed the theory of offsetting the affective filter.  He is also one of the copyeditors for...

The Strength of a Solution Seeking Appro...

Astrid Gynnild, University of Bergen Why do PhD candidates choose grounded theory as their methodological approach? Many novice grounded theorists obviously grapple with this question while working on their dissertations. The Grounded Theory Review constantly receives papers from novice GT researchers that discuss and share experiences when following the tenets of the methodology. In this issue, we are happy to present the first chapter of an upcoming reader by Barney G. Glaser on choosing GT for their dissertation work. As dr. Glaser points out, we know much about the...

Choosing Grounded Theory

Barney G. Glaser, PhD, Hon. PhD This book deals simply with choosing classic grounded theory (CGT) as the methodology to use mainly for doing the dissertation. CGT stands alone as a separate method, not as a competitive method in conflict and controversy with all the QDA (qualitative data analysis) methods jargonized as a type of GT. The PhD candidate (herein called novice) simply chooses the method that he/she wants as best fit for him. This reader provides a myriad of CGT properties to consider in choosing it as the method to use. There will be no competitive arguments...

A Grounded Theory of Political Intellige...

Annabel-Mauve Adjognon, NEOMA Business School Abstract This study focuses on the substantive area of business administration using the classic grounded theory method. Business administration is mostly driven by political games between top-level corporate managers. The main concern of the managers I met was that they wanted to be more politically successful. For them, success meant being able to change regularly the course of decisions and action within their firm. The study led to the emergence of a core variable called political intelligentizing. Political...

Safeguarding Self-Governance: A Grounded...

Connie B. Berthelsen, Copenhagen University Hospital Kirsten Frederiksen, University of Aarhus, Tove Lindhardt, Copenhagen University Hospital Abstract The aim of this study was to generate a grounded theory of older patients’ pattern of behavior in relation to their relatives’ involvement in fast-track programs during total joint replacement. Sixteen patients were recruited in orthopedic wards. Data collection included 11 interviews with patients and 15 non-participant observations of interactions between patients, relatives, and health professionals during scheduled...