About the Authors

Annabel-Mauve Adjognon is an Associate Professor at Neoma Business School. She holds a PhD in Management Science and Business Administration from the école des Hautes Etudes, Paris. Her research interests are primarily in leadership, organizational politics, and management skills. She has also conducted research on sustainable development and corporate social responsibility. She regularly presents her research at international academic conferences and serves as an ad hoc reviewer for various academic journals. Email: am.adjognon@neoma-bs.fr

Lars-Johan Age is a researcher within the field of sales and negotiation at Stockholm School of Economics. He has a PhD and his dissertation was about complex business processes; his focus today is on negotiation. He also has practical experiences within sales, sales management, and negotiation. A keen interest for him is that research is contributing to managerial relevance, which also is the basis for his interest in grounded theory methodology. His next study is to conduct a grounded theory study in the field of negotiation and produce research that can be used in all negotiation processes whether it is a crisis, business, diplomatic, or labour negotiation. Email: Lars-johan.Age@hig.se

Connie Bøttcher Berthelsen Dr. Berthelsen completed her MScN in 2007 and her PhD in 2013 from the Section of Nursing, Faculty of Health Science, Aarhus University, Denmark. Dr. Berthelsen has a strong background in orthopedic care; for her PhD, she generated three theories of relatives, patients, and health professionals’ pattern of behavior in relation to relatives’ involvement in older patients’ fast-track programs during total joint replacement, using Dr. Glaser’s classic grounded theory method. Dr. Berthelsen is currently an assistant professor at Section of Nursing, Aarhus University and a postdoctoral fellow at Department of Orthopedic at the Regional Hospital of Køge. She is currently working on her postdoctoral study of developing, implementing, and evaluating a case management intervention for spouses to improve older patients’ functional status after total hip arthroplasty with spouses involved. Email: cb@ph.au.dk

Ben Binsardi is a Reader in the Business and Management department at Glyndwr University. He completed his undergraduate and postgraduate studies at Texas Tech and Wichita State Universities. He then obtained a PhD from Loughborough, studying econometrics and undertook a Research Fellowship at the University of Oxford.  Ben has published several textbooks and journal articles in the areas of research methodology, marketing, and finance.  He is chair of SIG Qualitative Methodology at the Academy of Marketing Conferences.  Ben teaches research methodology in conjunction with Jan, he is a member of the Grounded Theory Institute, and has worked with Jan and Professor Andy Lowe to host a number of classic GT workshops at Glyndwr University which have attracted a pan-European attendance. Email: b.binsardi@glyndwr.ac.uk

Kirsten Frederiksen completed her M.Ed. in 1999 and her PhD in 2005 from the Institute of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts Aarhus University, Denmark. Dr. Frederiksen has her background in both qualitative educational and qualitative clinical research. Dr. Frederiksen is currently associate professor and study director at Section of Nursing, Aarhus University, Denmark. Email: kf@ph.au.dk

Barney G. Glaser is the cofounder of grounded theory (1967). He received his PhD from Columbia University in 1961. He then went to University of California San Francisco, where he joined Anselm Strauss in doing the dying in hospitals study and in teaching PhD and DNS students, methods, and analysis. He published over 20 articles on this research and the dying research. Since then, Glaser has written nearly 20 more books using grounded theory and about grounded theory, and countless articles. In 1998 he received an honorary doctorate from Stockholm University.

Email: bglaser@speakeasy.net

Jan Green acquired extensive change management experience during a successful corporate career directing mergers and acquisitions.  During this time, she developed a critical insight into the diverse issues arising during corporate change interventions.  A career move to academia enabled Jan to complete a classic grounded theory study in accomplished business performance and she is a member of the Grounded Theory Institute.  She is Programme Leader of the Masters Suite, Business Division at Glyndŵr University. More recently, Jan has written and presented papers utilizing classic grounded theory, which address concerns related to business competitiveness and the projectification of the workplace manoeuvres, which successfully support the impact of sudden change and effective process change.  She has chaired a track at the EuroMed Academy of Business Conference in September 2014. Email: jan.green@glyndwr.ac.uk

Astrid Gynnild is a professor at the Department for Information Science and Media Studies at the University of Bergen, Norway. She got her PhD in 2006 on a grounded theory about creativity in journalistic work processes: creative cycling of news professionals. Astrid has written a number of books and articles on creativity and productivity in journalism and the media. Her recent research is focused on the use of visuals such as video clips and data visualization at the crossroads between new technology and online journalism. She is currently conducting research in media surveillance and new ways of teaching in higher education. Astrid is the editor of the Grounded Theory Review and a fellow of the Grounded Theory Institute. Email: agynnild@gmail.com


Tove Lindhardt is a senior researcher and head of the Research Unit for Clinical Nursing in a large Copenhagen University Hospital. She is affiliated with Lund University, Sweden, where she defended her PhD in 2007. In this capacity, she leads a research programme focusing on empowerment and continuity in the treatment and care of older patients and involvement of their families. Research on health and welfare technology is part of the programme. Email: Tove.Lindhardt.Damsgaard@regionh.dk


Lesley Piko is finalizing her PhD at the Australian National University’s College of Medicine, Biology and Environment.  She is a qualified accountant with a background in business administration, human resources, and financial management.  During the past eight years, she has worked with Australian doctors and other health professionals in a government funded, primary health care organization, located in the Australian Capital Territory. Email: lesleypiko@hotmail.com


Amy Catherine Russell, PhD, LMSW, Associate Professor at Texas State University-San Marcos, teaches undergraduate and graduate-level social work policy and research courses. Her research interests include liberated identity, queer issues, and programmatic and student learning outcomes, with emphasis on creative methodologies, such as classic grounded theory, image, and art.  She is also the Director of the School’s Richter Research Institute, which supports faculty research and grant endeavors. Email: Ar41@txstate.edu
