Special Issue November 2007

Special Issue November 2007  ← PDF file. 

From the Editor Judith A. Holton.

Reading Grounded Theory: The value of exampling
Barney G. Glaser

The History of Grounded Theory based on Quantitative Methodology
Barney G. Glaser

Forty Years after Discovery: Grounded theory worldwide
Barney G. Glaser in conversation with Massimiliano Tarozzi,

After Discovery: Growing success
Contributions by Evert Gummesson, Hans O. Thulesius, Alvita
Nathaniel, Tom Andrews, Antoinette McCallin, Mark
Rosenbaum, Astrid Gynnild, Walter Fernandez, Pernilla

In Honor of Anselm Strauss: Collaboration
Barney G. Glaser
