Volume 21

From the Editor’s Desk: Remembering Barney Glaser

It is hard to believe that nearly a year has passed since the loss of Dr. Barney G. Glaser, our dear teacher, mentor, friend, and colleague. As co-originator and constant champion of the original classic theory method, Glaser focused much of his life on teaching grounded theory and mentoring novice and experienced grounded theorists. He founded the Grounded Theory Institute, Sociology Press, and this journal, the Grounded Theory Review. He wrote or co-wrote more than 30 books and papers focused on grounded theory. He hosted innovative grounded theory seminars in the US,...

Origins and Growth of Grounded Theory

Barney G. Glaser PhD, Hon PhD Editor’s Note: As we continue celebrate Barney Glaser’s life, we re-publish[1] this gently edited paper about the origin and growth of grounded theory. Through the years as he noticed trends surrounding the method, Glaser codified the different elements and procedures of grounded theory and compared/contrasted them with remodeled versions.  This paper was first published as chapter 1 in Grounded Theory Perspectives: Its Origin and Growth (2016). All books mentioned in this paper can be purchased via Sociology Press at...

What is ‘Theory’ in Grounded Theory?

Kara L. Vander Linden, Institute for Research and Theory Methodologies Abstract Theory is often discussed in relation to research. However, despite its frequent reference, there is a lack of consensus on what theory is. This article briefly discusses some views of theory within sociology and the lack of consensus over what constitutes theory. This lack of consensus makes it important that grounded theorists not only explain what is meant by a theory being grounded in data but also what is meant by theory in grounded theory. Keywords: theory, grounded theory, definitions,...

Becoming Independent: The Life-Changing Experiences of GT Researchers ...

Y. Chen, Nanjing Normal University Y. Feng, China University of Political Science and Law Y. Wang, Fujian Medical University F. Fei, Grounded Theory Institute Abstract The popularisation of Glaser’s grounded theory (GT) methodology in China over the past two decades or so has seen some faithful use of classic (Glaserian) GT in several areas (i.e. psychology, culture of rule of law, and nursing) amid the overall misuse and abuse of the methodology.   And arising from these endeavours are some life-changing experiences of GT researchers leading towards their academic...

Coding in Classic Grounded Theory: I’ve Done an Interview; Now W...

Barry Chametzky, USA Abstract Without a doubt, many graduate students—especially those who are do not have a mentor skilled in the classic grounded theory design—are concerned about doing studies or dissertations using the classic grounded theory design for fear of doing it incorrectly.  While there is extant literature in the field of classic grounded theory, a clear and simple how-to does not exist.  The purpose of this paper is to give novice researchers interested in the classic grounded theory design a foothold in how to do one aspect of classic grounded theory...

When and How to Use Extant Literature in Classic Grounded Theory

Alvita K. Nathaniel, PhD, APRN, BC, FAANP Professor Emerita, West Virginia University Abstract Glaser and Strauss (1967) sprinkled suggestions about the use of the literature throughout their seminal work as did Glaser in subsequent years. They, however, did not lay out a clear and structured overview of how to use the literature. The aim of this paper is to weave together the recommendations from classic grounded theory originators and to describe how, why, and when to review the literature and which literature to review. The paper includes a section debunking the no...