Issue no.3, June 2007

Volume 6, Issue no. 3, June 2007

                               Volume 6, Issue no. 3, June 2007-pdf  Editorial Judith A. Holton Theoretical Elaboration of Quantitative Data Barney G. Glaser A Simpler Understanding of Classic GT: How it is a Fundamentally Different Methodology Ólavur Christiansen Mutual Intacting: Keeping the patient-practitioner relationship and patient treatment intact Naomi Elliott Book Review: Glaser, B.G. (2007). Doing Formal Grounded Theory: A Proposal Alvita K.Nathaniel Doing Formal Grounded Theory: A review Tom Andrews...

A Simpler Understanding of Classic GT: How it is a fundamentally diffe...

Ólavur Christiansen Abstract The author reduces the research rationale of classic grounded theory (GT) methodology and the consequential classic GT research procedures and stages down to their essential elements. This reduction makes it possible to compare classic GT to other research methodologies in a manner that is simpler and yet concise. This methodological analysis and synthesis has been conducted while applying and after having applied the classic GT methodology in practice in a major project. The fundamental differences between classic GT versus other adaptations...

Mutual Intacting: Keeping the patient-practitioner relationship and pa...

Naomi Elliott, MSc., BNS, RGN, RNT, PhD Candidate Abstract The aim of this grounded theory study was to discover the main concerns of clinical practitioners when making clinical judgments in the community care context and to explain the processes they used to resolve practice problems. Interview data from twenty-one advanced practitioners working in various mental healthcare and accident and emergency settings in Ireland was collected. In this paper, the process of clinical judgment is conceptualised as ‘Mutual Intacting’. It proposes that clinical judgment comprises...

Book Review: Glaser, B.G. (2007). Doing Formal Grounded Theory: A Prop...

Alvita K. Nathaniel, PhD, APRN, BC Forty years after developing the classic grounded theory method with Anselm Strauss, Barney Glaser has published the long-anticipated follow-up monograph that details the method for generating formal grounded theory. Through the years, Glaser continued writing about substantive grounded theory, but formal grounded theory remained in the background, lacking a clear definition and distinctive method. Although his previous monographs offer hints about formal grounded theory, this is the first definitive guide for researcher-theorists. It is...

Doing Formal Grounded Theory: A review

Tom Andrews PhD This is the latest in a family of Grounded Theory books by Glaser that continue to build on previous work and make the methodology much more explicit. Its purpose is quite simply to provide Grounded Theory researchers with a set of procedures that can be followed to generate a Formal Grounded Theory (FGT). Despite several chapters in previous books that deal with generating formal grounded theory it has been given scant attention by researchers and this book aims to reverse this. It brings together and synthesises these previous writings in one book and...