Volume 10

Book Review: Grounded Theory: A practical guide (Birks & Mills, 2...

[Birks, M. & Mills, J. (2011). Grounded Theory: A practical guide. London: Sage Publications.] Astrid Gynnild, Ph.D. What is grounded theory and how is a grounded theory study carried out? Several recent publications have been trying to answer these questions, building on a literature list on the topic that covers more than 40 years of research and scholarship. According to the authors, this book is aimed at beginner researchers, research students and experienced researchers from a variety of disciplines who are unfamiliar with grounded theory. The first three...

Book Review: Essentials of Accessible Grounded Theory (Stern & Po...

[Stern, P.N. & Porr, C.J. (2011). Essentials of Accessible Grounded Theory. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.] Reviewed by Odis E. Simmons, Ph.D. Although Porr is a relative newcomer to grounded theory, Stern has been at it for many years (she received her PhD under Glaser and Strauss in 1977). She has been instrumental in introducing many students to grounded theory, particularly in the nursing field, as well as making notable contributions to grounded theory literature. As Stern’s (1994) observations and insights suggested, constructivist versions of...

From the Editor

In this issue, we present one of Barney Glaser’s classic papers, The Local-Cosmopolitan Scientist, originally published in 1963. In this paper, we see how he used secondary analysis of survey data to conceptualize and propose a theory of local and cosmopolitan as a dual orientation rather than the perspective of the time which presented them as dichotomous. In his concise explanation of his methodological approach, we see the early emergence of classic grounded theory methodology and its power to use any data. Here he has worked quantitative data to generate...

Book Review: Essentials of Accessible Grounded Theory (Stern & Po...

[Stern, P.N. & Porr, C.J. (2011). Essentials of Accessible Grounded Theory. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.] Reviewed by Tom Andrews, RN, B.Sc.(Hons), M.Sc., Ph.D. Grounded Theory (GT) has been subjected to continual modification to fit various ontological and epistemological positions. Although not an explicitly stated purpose, it is nonetheless encouraging that a book has been published to counter its continual misinterpretation and adaptation. This book by Stern and Porr (2011) is a very welcome addition to the GT literature. It is aimed clearly at...

Stern & Porr (2011) Response to Reviewers

Phyllis Noranger Stern,DNS, LLD (hon.), FAAN To Dr. Simmons At the outset we want to thank Dr. Simmons for his review of Essentials of Accessible Grounded Theory. Our goal with Essentials was to demystify grounded theory to afford the reader a solid grasp of traditional grounded theory. Dr. Simmons is notably a grounded theory expert and scholar, and we are pleased that he took the time to review our monograph. While there are supportive insights shared in Dr. Simmons’ review, we should address those claims that do not resonate with our intentions. Response to Claim #1...

The Local-Cosmoploitan Scientist. The Grounded Theory Review

Glaser, Barney G. (2011) In contrast to previous discussions in the literature treating cosmopolitan and local as two distinct groups of scientists, this paper demonstrates the notion of cosmopolitan and local as a dual orientation of highly motivated scientists. This dual orientation is derived from institutional motivation, which is a determinant of both high quality basic research and accomplishment of non-research organizational activities. The dual orientation arises in a context of similarity of the institutional goal of science with the goal of the organization;...