Issue 1, Mar 2011

Forging a Path for Abstinence from Heroin: A grounded theory of detoxi...

McDonnell, Anne & VanHout, Claire (2011). Forging a Path for Abstinence from Heroin: A groudned theory of detoxification -seeking. The Grounded Theory Review, vol.10, no.1, pp.17-40 Through a classic grounded theory approach, this study conceptualises that the main concern of heroin users who are seeking detoxification is giving up heroin use; ‘getting clean.’ Forging a path for abstinence explains how people respond to their concern of getting clean from heroin. Three sub-processes make up this response which are; resolution (resolving to stop); navigation (deciding...

Blocking Conceptualization

Glaser, Barney G. (2011). Blocking Conceptualization. The Grounded Theory Review, vol.10, no.1, pp.1-16. My purpose in this chapter is to go into some detail on the various blocks to conceptualization that the reader can and should be wary of so he/she can either avoid them, deal with them adequately to do a GT study, or submit to them humbly for greater gains for the moment. They are authoritative blocks, preconceptions, inability to adequately conceptualize, the initial confusion and regression, multi-version view of GT, QDA requirement blocks, data collection overload,...