About the Authors

Barry Chametzky, Ph.D. American College of Education, City University of Seattle. Dr. Chametzky holds graduate degrees in Music (Conservatory of Music at Brooklyn College, City University of New York), French (Middlebury College), and Foreign Language education (University of Pittsburgh).  Dr. Chametzky is an active researcher in the fields of andragogy, e-learning, anxiety and online foreign language acquisition, and classic grounded theory with numerous peer-reviewed publications and book chapters to his credit.  He is also one of the reviewers and the copyeditor for the Grounded Theory Review.  He facilitates online learning with master’s and doctoral students in the fields of educational technology and leadership, and serves as a dissertation chairperson to a number of candidates. Email: barry@bluevine.net

Mark Crowder, PhD. Manchester Metropolitan University. Dr. Mark Crowder is Education Lead for the Department of Strategy, Enterprise and Sustainability at Manchester Metropolitan University in the UK.  He is also a senior lecturer in Strategy and Business Psychology.  He studied at Liverpool John Moores University and the University of Liverpool before gaining his PhD in cognitive psychology at the University of Chester.  He is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute. Mark’s research interests are split between educational management and cognitive psychology.

As a career educator, Dr. Lisa Goldberg has taught for over 30 years in both the public school and as adjunct professor.  She graduated from Fielding Graduate School in 2010 with a doctorate in Educational Leadership.  Using Classic Grounded Theory as her research methodology, Dr. Goldberg discovered that value-based decision-making is one of the key concepts in moving on and making voluntary change in one’s life.  Her contribution to the field has led others to use concepts from her dissertation.  Currently, Dr. Goldberg works as adjunct professor at Saybrook University where she guides and teaches dissertation students.  Email: lisakanga1@gmail.com.

Maria Mouratidou, PhD. University of Cumbria. Dr. Maria Mouratidou is a lecturer at the University of Cumbria. Her research interests are within HRM, OB and career management.  She has a wealth of HR experience, gained in an international context.  She studied at the University of Macedonia and the University of Sunderland before gaining her PhD in Human Resource Management at Manchester Metropolitan University. She is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and is currently studying for an MA in Education.

Dr. Vander Linden received her doctorate in education from Fielding Graduate University with specializations in classic grounded theory and higher education. She has a master’s in special education from the University of North Carolina and a BA in mathematics from Queens University.  She also has special training in working with children with dyslexia and reading disabilities. Dr. Kara Vander Linden has been a classic grounded theory (GT) researcher and educator for over 15 years.  She currently teaches research and supervises classic GT dissertations at Saybrook University.  She is a peer reviewer for the Grounded Theory Review and is the founder of the Institute for the Advancement of Classic Grounded Theory (https://classicgroundedtheory.org/).

Diego Mauricia Paucar Villacorta, BSSc. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.
Mr. Paucar Villacorta is a young Peruvian Sociologist born in Lima with a five-year professional experience in social innovation for development. Academically, in one way or another, all his contributions explore the methodology of sociological research. At school, he has been invited by students to teach various open courses about qualitative data analysis, theorizing and quantitative data collection techniques. Right now, he is the leader of two independent teams of un-affiliated researchers developing projects about informal vendors during the COVID-19 pandemic and an analysis of the methodology used in ninety recent Latin American Sociology dissertations. Additionally, he is the creator of ESCAPE, a social business model that will serve the need of learning, collaboration and rest in local social science academics and professionals. Email: diegopaucarv@hotmail.com

Helen Scott, PhD. Grounded Theory Online, Grounded Theory Institute. Dr. Helen Scott is an independent researcher and Fellow of the Grounded Theory Institute. She gained her PhD from the School of Computing, University of Portsmouth and was trained in the grounded theory method by its instigator, Barney G. Glaser. Helen supports novice and experienced researchers from all over the world from her website Grounded Theory Online. She is also a consulting researcher for global and national organisations.

Catherine J. Tompkins, PhD, MSW. George Mason University. Dr. Tompkins’ primary research focuses on kinship caregiving. She is interested in examining the complexities of the situations, relationships, and emotions of grandfamilies (grandchildren and grandparents living in grandparent-headed households where the biological parents are absent).  Her overall research question is: Will children being raised by their grandparents step up to care for them if the need arises? Additionally, she is a research team member examining the effects of a Music and Memory intervention on people with dementia and is currently training cohorts of nursing home staff on COVID-19 related issues.  She teaches social work and gerontology courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and her primary research methodology is classic grounded theory. Email: ctompkin@gmu.edu
